ADELON - Resurgence


EP: Resurgence

Genre: Technical / Progressive Death Metal

Release Date: June 21st, 2024

Country: Switzerland

Label: Independent


Technical and Progressive Death Metal are subgenres that can be tough to break into. The instrumental skill level across the scene is generally so high that flashy playing alone is unimpressive. Being able to walk the tightrope between that flashy playing and memorable songwriting to achieve cut through is no small challenge. Switzerland’s ADELON are newcomers to this space, taking this challenge head on with their debut EP.

"Resurgence" makes for an interesting listen, as each of the four tracks have their own identity, while confidently incorporating the cornerstones of their sound: groove, progressive breaks and technicality, bolstered by a big, modern production and an ear for atmosphere.

Opener ‘Fleshless Vertebrae’ leans into the groovier aspects of their sound, with rhythmic focused riffing that borders on deathcore, recalling recent releases by Fracturus or Truent. ‘Monisme’ is more overtly tech death in its approach, with busy melodic riffing akin to much of the Artisan Era Tech Death roster. Lead single ‘Crimson Luminescence’ arrives somewhere between these two with a memorable, bouncy grooving chorus, while closer ‘Cycles’ nods towards the more progressive aspects of Obscura’s style with vocoder vocals, unconventional riffing and discordant ringing chords.

The attention to detail in the songwriting is impressive for a debut release. The songs move seamlessly from section to section and when the progressive / melodic breaks come through, it feels natural and refreshing from the bludgeoning rhythms and busy fretwork that characterises the earlier sections. The 4-songs in 18 mins format no doubt helps in keeping things feeling fresh, so it will be interesting to see how the band structure a full length, and whether the flow and attention to detail in their songwriting can be sustained across a longer runtime.

"Resurgence" is an emphatic announcement by ADELON. The EP showcases a band with instrumental prowess and songwriting nous uncommon for a first outing. I look forward to seeing how they evolve, but for now, will content myself by banging my head to "Resurgence".

Written by Lloyd


Robin Demarta - Drum programming

Titouan Tromme - Bass & synth

Quentin Landolt - Guitars, keys, synth, drum programming

Pierrick Tromme - Vocals


1. Fleshless Vertebrae

2. Monisme

3. Crimson Luminescence

4. Cycles 


Resurgence (EP) - 2024