AEONS - The Ghosts of What We Knew


Album: The Ghosts of What We Knew

Genre: Progmetal

Release Date: July 2nd, 2024

Country: Isle of Man

Label: Sliptrick Records


Some of you might already have noticed my enthusiasm for a certain band hailing from an island that hosts the world's oldest and craziest motorcycle race. Got it? ;-) Yes, I’m talking about the Isle of Man, and its hottest Progmetal export: AEONS. Since I came across their outstanding, 2nd album “Consequences”, that ended up as my aoty2021, they’ve been responsible for countless kitchen mosh pits around these parts, and you guessed it, I'm happy to share more about their third offering now, "The Ghost Of What We Knew", that is out on July 2nd, 2024 via Sliptrick Records. 

Inspired by myths and real events, AEONS tell nine different, thought-provoking stories, connected by a red thread that could be seen as "tales of Gods and Monsters, and the consequences of their games on mortal human kind". Whether taking us to the Wild West ("Noose"), ancient Greece ("Thanatos"), to the Aztecs ("Collapse"), or into current and personal topics (like "Home",  "Blood", "Circles" and "Machines"), they express themselves in an incredibly powerful way. 

Music-wise, AEONS just throw in what feels right for them to tell the respective story, melting Death Metal growls with three-part vocal harmonies, Black Metal with Symphonic elements, acoustic guitars with mighty breakdowns, spacey synth with blast beats… and I absolutely love it, as their kind of genre bending comes along with an implicit easiyness that gives the songs a huge dynamic and great variety. 

All five band members skillfully play on this colorful genre palette and add their pieces to the flow, from the tight drumming over the smooth bass lines and mind blowing riffs to the vigorous vocals, exactly knowing when to push and when to step back a bit.  And then, there are these special moments when the guitars lift off... There's something in their tone and playing that totally resonates with me, like during the mesmerizing, second half of "Ghosts", making me all ears. 

While "The Ghosts of What We Knew" took a few spins to grow on me, it unfolded its marvelous details over the past weeks. Favorite tracks? I'd go with the mighty openers "Noose" and "Home", the groovy, more light-feeted "Circles", as well as the epics "Thanatos" and "Ghosts". Speaking for myself, I like AEONS most when they get really wild, but of course this works best in contrast to the calmer parts, and also the more balladic tracks caught me with their deep emotions. So I can only close this review with my unbroken enthusiasm for this band, and the high recommendation to check them out. 

Written by Katha


Justin Wallace - Drums

Skippy Hilton - Vocals  

Joe Holland - Bass

Si Harvey – Guitars, Vocals

Scott Sayer – Guitar, Vocals


1. Noose

2. Home

3. Blood

4. Circles

5. Thanatos

6. Cascade

7. Ghosts

8. Machines

9. Collapse


A Tragic End - 2019 

Consequences - 2021

The Ghosts of What We Knew - 2024