LABYRINTHUS STELLARUM - Vortex of the Worlds


Album: Vortex of the Worlds

Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal

Release Date: April 6th, 2024

Country: Ukraine

Label: Self-released


When it comes to black metal, my interest is certainly not straight down the line. More so than most other metal subgenres, I like to hear something a bit more out of the box. Enter Ukraine’s LABYRINTHUS STELLARUM and their sophomore album Vortex of the Worlds, which certainly fits that bill.

Their brand of Atmospheric Black Metal is cosmic themed and melodic, featuring a strong infusion of synth elements. These synths do a lot of the melodic legwork and are responsible for some of the more memorable hooks on the record, drawing inspiration (at least in part) from synthwave. Furthering this comparison is the presence of vocoder-modulated cleans, which are occasionally layered alongside the harsh vocals, a much more common approach for retro/synthwave artists than metal artists. 

In this regard, LABYRINTHUS STELLARUM’s stylistic package draws comparisons to artists such as Mesarthim or Abstract Void. In addition to the sounds utilised, there are even some compositional similarities, with how the Black Metal onslaught gives way to quieter synth-driven ambient passages for reprieve. However, "Vortex of the Worlds" is distinguished from these artists in how aggressive the record feels.

The aggression is in part due to the production, which is modern, punchy and yes, quite loud when the band are all firing, yet still carrying a relatively abrasive bite to it. A major contribution in this regard is Andronati’s harsh vocals - forward in the mix and powerful, his throaty rasp delivery is in no way uncommon for the style, but is an example of how standard subgenre elements can be utilised to great effect.

I appreciate that the sound LABYRINTHUS STELLARUM have produced on "Vortex of the Worlds" is likely to be relatively divisive, as it appeals to a niche within a niche. However, those who grow tired of the plethora of middle of the road contributors in atmoblack may find a lot to love in the fresher aspects of this album, which are underpinned by great songwriting with hooky melodies and aggressive delivery - I certainly have.

Written by Lloyd


Misha Andronati - Guitars

Alexander Andronati - Vocals, Keyboards, Drum Programming

Dmytro Bokhan - Additional Drum Programmin


1. Transcendence

2. Downfall

3. Interstellar Wandering

4. From the Nothingness

5. The Light of Dying Worlds

6. Vortex of the Worlds


Tales of the Void - 2023

Vortex of the Worlds - 2024