Tips and tricks for twitterverse

Metaltwitter is a strong community within the former bird app, now simply "X" - But also within this community there are different groups depending on musical taste and philosophy. 

A lot has changed regarding Twitter's usability and algorithm. Yet, as stated in the other two parts of this series about KMäNRiffs and the Metal Hordes, we're still there, flying the Metal flag high.

So this little write-up is not about the platform itself, which has the reputation of being a hateful and toxic place, but about how to smoothen your experience within this tool when you wanna stay up to date with new music and connect with other metalheads over there. Check it out: 

Set your priorities

Like on every other social media platforms, take a moment to think about your priorities. What do you wanna use the app for? Which content are you interested in? 


The whole concept works best through a respectful, open-minded exchange with each other. Support what you love, but don't blame others for enjoying something different.

Comments, (mini) reviews and discussions help to find the right music for everyone’s listening pleasure within this insane number of new releases. Welcome to start your journey on the K-Train together with the accounts I introduced here, the rest will find its way. There's a lot to discover!

No time right now for a comment or an in-depth anlysis? ;-) A like and retweet of posts that sparked your interest only take a second, but still help to spread the word.

Your timeline

Do you see too many posts that do not appeal to you? Skip the "For You" page and head over to the "Following" column. The algorithm changed over the past months, and now (similar to TikTok) often suggests other accounts instead of showing those we're connected most. 

The unwanted content is still there? Feel free to unfollow, block (especially bots) or mute... Your timeline is in your hands!

Hit the bell

There are accounts you don't wanna miss new stuff? Hit the bell in the respective profile, and you'll get notifications for their posts. The way how these show up on your phone or PC can be changed in the device settings. 

Tags around Full Force Friday

Kman uses a certain tag structure for his posts, which makes it easier to find releases per day ( #fffmonthday, like #FFFSep20) or upcoming releases e.g. (#TheUpcomingTerror24) by simply clicking on it, or using these in the search field. 


Twitter offers a feature to create different lists of accounts. These can be private or publicly visible, so others can use them as well (like this one for bands e.g.). 

To add an account to a list, hit the symbol with the three buttons next to the bell in their profile (see above), then follow the next steps.  

Lists can also be pinned in your profile to create several, theme-related timelines, which makes it way easier to find the respective content.  

Hope this was useful so far. To be continued in case something changes...

See you over there :-)